
Showing posts from July, 2024
  Rising Dengue Cases During Monsoon: Identification, Preventive Measures and Remedy with Immunity Boosting Jaggery Tea  As July 2024 unfolds, India faces a significant public health challenge with a surge in dengue cases across several states. The onset of the monsoon season has created ideal conditions for the multiplication of Aedes mosquitoes, the primary vectors of the dengue virus. This article gives information about the current situation, identifies symptoms, discusses remedies, and outlines prevention measures to tackle the rising dengue threat. Rising Cases: A Nationwide Concern, Recent News and Government Actions The rainy season has brought about a concern about the rise in dengue cases throughout India. States like Kerala, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu, and Delhi have reported a significant rise in cases, with hospitals experiencing a surge in patients exhibiting dengue symptoms. The first quarter of 2024 saw dengue cases double compared to the same period last year, resulting i
आर्यधेनु शुद्ध देसी खांड से बनी स्वादिष्ट खीर से बनाये अपने व्रत को खास ! शरीर को आवश्यक पोषक तत्व प्रदान करने के लिए हमें समय समय पर फलाहार लेना चाहिए यह स्वास्थ को मजबूती प्रदान करने में महत्वपूर्ण भूमिका निभाता है। फलाहार में फल, दूध, साबुदाना आदि आते हैं जो विटामिन, मिनरल्स और ऊर्जा से भरपूर होते हैं। इसमें शामिल खाद्य पदार्थ हल्के होते हैं और पाचन को सुधारते हैं। ये शरीर में विषाक्त पदार्थों को निकालने में मदद करते हैं और पाचन तंत्र को आराम देते हैं।  फलाहार का शरीर के लिए लाभ : फलाहार से शरीर और मन दोनों को लाभ होता है। फलाहार से शारीरिक शुद्धि के साथ- साथ मानसिक शांति भी मिलती है ।फलाहार का प्रयोग व्रत में किया जाता हैं। उपवास के दौरान पाचन तंत्र को विश्राम मिलता है और शरीर की सफाई होती है। इसके अलावा, प्राकृतिक और रसायन-मुक्त फलाहार का सेवन स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभकारी रोग प्रतिरोधक क्षमता बढ़ाता है। समां के चावल की खीर, आर्यधेनु शुद्ध देसी खांड के साथ : इसे बनाने के लिए समा के चावल का उपयोग किया जाता है। यह हल्का, पचने में आसान और पोषक तत्वों से भरपूर होता है। समा के चावल की खीर ए

Hair Care Made Easy with Wood Pressed Mustard Oil !

  In the realm of natural beauty and health, Mustard oil has long been revered for its numerous benefits, particularly in hair care.Packed with essential nutrients and beneficial compounds, this oil offers a holistic approach to maintaining and enhancing hair health. Here’s how Mustard Oil can transform your hair care routines. Mustard Oil and Aloe Vera Hair Mask: A Complete Guide A hair mask that combines Mustard Oil with Aloe Vera is an excellent choice for nurturing and revitalizing your hair. Mustard oil is renowned for its rich content of essential fatty acids, vitamins, and antioxidants, while aloe vera is celebrated for its soothing, hydrating, and restorative properties.  Ingredients Required: 2 tablespoons Wood Pressed Mustard Oil 2 tablespoons fresh aloe vera gel 1 teaspoon lemon juice (Optional, for scalp cleansing) Instructions: Prepare Aloe Vera Gel : If using fresh aloe vera, extract the gel from a leaf. Blend it to get a smooth consistency.  Mix Ingredients : In a bowl,

Celebrating International Moon Day with Aryadhenu: Reflecting on Our Journey to the Moon and Beyond !

  International Moon Day is celebrated on July 20th every year. It was established to commemorate the anniversary of the first human landing on the Moon by Apollo 11 on July 20, 1969. The day aims to promote awareness and education about space exploration, the achievements of lunar missions, and the significance of the Moon in our scientific and cultural understanding. Key Aspects of International Moon Day: Historical Significance of the Day: Celebrates the milestone of Apollo 11's mission when astronauts Neil Armstrong and Edwin Aldrin became the first humans to set foot on the Moon. Honors the contributions of all lunar missions, including subsequent Apollo missions and international lunar exploration efforts. Scientific Importance of the Day : Highlights ongoing and future missions to the Moon, such as NASA's Artemis program, which aims to return humans to the Moon and establish a sustainable presence. Emphasizes the scientific discoveries made through lunar exploration, inc